NOAH Property Management


Application Requirements

We appreciate your interest in a NOAH Property Management. Applications are handled in the sequence they are received and should include the application fee and necessary supporting documents for commencement of processing. Please note that multiple sets of applications may be accepted for the property, and application fees are non-refundable. It is important to understand that it is the applicant's responsibility to complete the application and furnish the required additional documentation. Applications that are incomplete may cause delays and could potentially lead to the property being offered to another applicant, or even a denial of the application.

Anyone 18 years or older is required to apply and pay an application fee. Each person must complete an individual application and include all occupants on each application. Application fees are $30 per person and are

Approval is based on the following criteria:

  1. At least one adult applicant must possess a credit score of 550 or higher.
  2. Evidence of ample income is required. The applicant with a credit score of 550 or higher must have a verified gross income that is three times or greater than the monthly rental amount. Alternatively, all applicants with a credit score of 550 or higher may combine their incomes to meet this requirement.
  3. Verified proof of income must be provided as specified in the application.
  4. In the past two years, there should be no records of eviction filings, open bankruptcies, or criminal charges. (If you have a past eviction on your record, please reach out to us. We may be able to offer apartments with flexible options to accommodate your situation.)
  5. We are unable to rent to individuals with an outstanding balance with a previous landlord.
  6. No negative landlord references within the past five years.

*If your application fee is reversed due to insufficient funds, your application may be automatically declined. Co-signers may be considered for applicants who do not meet the credit or income requirements, provided they have a credit score of 700 or higher and meet all other stated requirements. Applicants with no credit score and/or co-signer are required to have a valid work visa, a letter of employment with transfer details, and must meet all other criteria.

> Still Don't Meet Our Criteria? <

See if you qualify using First Impressions

Rental/Mortgage History Information Required

Rental or mortgage history is required for the last 2 years. Please be sure to include all information.

Additional Occupants

In the "Additional Occupants" section, please provide the following information for each individual who will be residing in the home, regardless of age:

  1. Name: [Full Name]
  2. Age: [Age]
  3. Relationship to Applicant: [Relationship]
  4. Will this individual be completing an individual application and application fee? [Yes/No]
  5. Household income

Please note that any individual who is 18 years or older must be listed in this section and should also complete their own individual application along with the respective application fee. Additionally, please be aware that schools often require minor children to be named on the lease for registration purposes.

What Other Charges Will I Be Charged?

 By applying, Applicant(s) agrees to be enrolled and to pay the applicable cost of $70.00 per month, payable with rent. For more information please see Resident Benefits Package.

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